Two Locations
The Ark Pet Salon
550 Pacific Coast Hwy Ste 105
Seal Beach, CA 90740
(562) 430-5057
Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Sunday – Monday Closed
The Ark Pet Salon 2 by 2
16822 Pacific Coast Hwy Ste. A
Sunset Beach, CA 90742
(562) 592-9292
Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Sunday – Monday Closed
This complete service includes brushing, bathing, drying, full cut, nail trim, gland expression, sanitary and paw pad clip, as well as ears cleaned and plucked if necessary. Yes, it’s a lot, but that is why your dog looks so good when done. (MORE)
Sometimes your dog needs to be brushed out and have all those matte’s removed. We do that. If your dog needs to be de-matted we do charge an additional fee as this is a time consuming process that needs to be done with great care in order to not distress your dog. (MORE)
Not every dog needs to get a haircut, some are just dirty and we can help with that too. This service includes brushing, shampoo, drying, nails trim, gland expression, sanitary and paw pad clip, as well as ears cleaning and plucking if necessary. (MORE)
Some pets just don’t like to get their nails cut, but there comes a time where they are too long which is hazardous for your dog, your floor and furniture. We cut pets’ nails all day, every day so we know how to make this process simple, easy and painless – for both your dog and you. (MORE)
Yes, your dog’s ears get dirty and not every owner is comfortable cleaning them. It can also be painful if done incorrectly. Whether your dog produces too much wax, or has just been out and about having fun in who knows what, we are happy to make sure the ears are clean and healthy. (MORE)
We take this one seriously. Teeth problems can cause major health issues for your pet from gum disease to heart disease and infection. Just like you need to brush your teeth every day, it is important to brush you dog’s teeth regularly. And, just like your teeth need a cleaning from the dentist every 6 months; it is extremely important you get your dog’s teeth professionally deep cleaned on a regular basis. (MORE)
This complete service includes brushing, bathing, drying, full cut, nail trim, gland expression, sanitary and paw pad clip, as well as ears cleaned and plucked if necessary. Yes, it’s a lot, but that is why your cat looks so good when done. (MORE)
Cats are extremely sensitive and have a very low tolerance for being de-matted so we really try to avoid doing this. When a cat is extremely matted it may be better to give them a cute haircut. However, if that is not an option, we will consult with you regarding what can be done when you bring him/her in. (MORE)
Not every cat needs to get a haircut, some just need a bath; whether it’s to help with allergies (yours or theirs), possible fleas or their just being a bit dirty, we can help with that too. This service includes brushing, shampoo, drying, nails trim, gland expression, sanitary and paw pad clip, as well as ear cleaning and plucking if necessary. (MORE)
Some cats just don’t sit still for you to clip their nails cut, but there comes a time where they are too long which is hazardous for the pet, your rugs and furniture. It’s not pleasant for you or your cat when his/her claws get caught in your clothes, screens or carpets. We cut pets’ nails all day, every day so we know how to make this process simple, easy and painless for both your pet and you. (MORE)
Yes, your cat’s ears get dirty and not every owner is comfortable cleaning them out. It can also be painful for the cat if done incorrectly. Whether your pet produces too much wax or has been busy playing master of the outdoor castle, we are happy to make sure the ears are clean and healthy. (MORE)
We take this one seriously. Teeth problems can cause major health issues for your pet from gum disease to heart disease and infection. Just like you need to brush your teeth every day, it is important to brush you dog’s teeth regularly. And, just like your teeth need a cleaning from the dentist every 6 months; it is extremely important you get your cat’s teeth professionally deep cleaned on a regular basis. (MORE)
About Us

Our Story
The Ark Pet Salon is in business because we love pets and we get a great sense of satisfaction on seeing them well cared for and looking great.
We have been in Seal Beach for over 25 years and are groomer owned and operated. We think this is important because it emphasizes that the Ark isn’t about creating show dogs, or selling lots of accessories, we are about being exceptional groomers for people’s pets.
We have a laid back environment, but our standards are extremely high. We have a reputation for being meticulous and not just any groomer can get a job at The Ark. While loving animals is requirement #1, being a talented and dedicated groomer is a close second. For more information on the groomers here at The Ark, check out the section on our people and our pets.
Our Philosophy
The Ark has been successful so long because we have one simple philosophy; we love to smile and we love to make our clients smile. Taking great care of your pet makes everyone happy.
It is fabulous to see how good the cats and dogs look leaving the shop, but honestly, it is even better when we see how excited you are when you come and pick them up. The smile on your face makes it all worthwhile (and we think we see smiles on most of the animals too, they definitely have a prance in their step when they are all done).
Pet Pics
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