Full Service Grooming
This complete service includes brushing, bathing, drying, full cut, nail trim, gland expression, sanitary and paw pad clip, as well as ears cleaned and plucked if necessary. Yes it’s a lot but that is why your dog looks so good when we are done.
When you arrive for the first time we will discuss what kind of cut you want on your pet. We are well versed in the more traditional and formal cuts recommended for each breed but we also love improvising and creating customized cuts to fit your taste and your pups unique body and hair.
Time Needed: 2-3 hours depending on the dog. We don’t want to keep your pet away from you any longer than possible, so we groom by appointment. That way we can start right when your dog gets here and we call you as soon as he/she is done.
Note on De-Matting: if your dog needs to be de-matted we do charge an additional fee as this is a time consuming process that needs to be done with great care in order to not distress your dog.
Not every dog needs to get a haircut, some are just dirty and we can help with that too. This service includes brushing, shampoo, drying, nails trim, gland expression, sanitary and paw pad clip, as well as ears cleaning and plucking if necessary.
Bathing: includes a variety of all natural shampoos. We use the one that works best for your dog based on his/her skin and coat. Options include oatmeal, aloe, re-moisturizer, whitening, color enhancing and flea shampoos. We don’t believe in charging more for using the right shampoo for your pet so all of these are included in the base price.
We know that one of the major causes for ear infections in dogs is getting water in their ears. This is why all our bathers and groomers take extreme care to ensure that we keep your pet’s ears dry. We gently pack his/her ears with 100% cotton which is super absorbent and a great barrier to moisture (and it doesn’t hurt any that it helps to keep things quieter for them).
Time Needed: 1-3 hours depending on the dog. We don’t want to keep your pet away from you any longer than possible, so we prefer to bathe by appointment. That way we can start right when your dog gets here and we call you as soon as he/she is done. However, we are often able to accommodate last minute requests for baths so feel free to call if you just can’t stand the smell of your favorite canine or are having issues with fleas. We will do our best to fit him/her in right away.
Nail Clipping
Some pets just don’t like to get their nails cut, but there comes a time where they are too long which is hazardous for your dog, your floor and furniture. We cut pets’ nails all day, every day so we know how to make this process simple, easy and painless – for both your dog and you.
Time Needed: 5 minutes, you can even watch if you want. An appointment is not necessary but we do request a quick heads up that you are coming in first.
Ear Cleaning
Yes, your dog’s ears get dirty and not every owner is comfortable cleaning them. It can also be painful if done incorrectly. Whether your dog produces too much wax, or has just been out and about having fun in who knows what, we are happy to make sure the ears are clean and healthy.
Time Needed: 5 minutes, you may not want to watch, some people find it kind of yucky. An appointment is not necessary but we do request a quick heads up that you are coming in first.
Teeth Brushing & Cleaning
We take this one seriously. Teeth problems can cause major health issues for your pet from gum disease to heart disease and infection.
Teeth Brushing
Just like you need to brush your teeth every day, it is important to brush you dog’s teeth regularly. In addition to your cleaning your pet’s teeth at home, your groomer at the Ark can give them a good brushing. Benefits of having your groomer clean them includes controlling tarter, as well as having us check your dog’s teeth and gums for any visible irregularities or signs of possible issues. This is available as an additional service during grooming or as a stand-alone service.
Teeth Cleaning
Just like your teeth need a cleaning from the dentist every 6 months; it is extremely important you get your dog’s teeth professionally deep cleaned on a regular basis. We recommend every 6-12 months for preventative care. At the Ark, we want to make this service convenient for you, so we bring in someone with specialized training the second Wednesday of every month. Our expert, Rhonda, has a true gift for working with dogs and does an anesthesia-free cleaning in a soothing and painless way. Here is a link to our hygienist’s site: www.gentledental.com.
Time Needed: 45 minutes, by appointment only.

Full Service Grooming
This complete service includes brushing, bathing, drying, full cut, nail trim, gland expression, sanitary and paw pad clip, as well as ears cleaned and plucked if necessary. Yes, it’s a lot, but that is why your cat looks so good when done.
When you arrive for the first time we will discuss what kind of cut you want on your pet. We are well versed in the more traditional and formal cuts recommended for each breed but we also love improvising and creating customized cuts to fit your taste and your cat’s unique body and hair.
Time Needed:
2-3 hours depending on the cat. We don’t want to keep your pet away from you any longer than possible, so we groom by appointment.
That way we can start right when your cat gets here and we call you as soon as he/she is done.
Not every cat needs to get a haircut, some just need a bath; whether it’s to help with allergies (yours or theirs), possible fleas or their just being a bit dirty, we can help with that too.
This service includes brushing, shampoo, drying, nails trim, gland expression, sanitary and paw pad clip, as well as ear cleaning and plucking if necessary.
Bathing: includes a variety of all natural shampoos. We use the one that works best for your cat based on his/her skin and coat. Options include oatmeal, aloe, re-moisturizer, whitening, color enhancing and flea shampoos. We don’t believe in charging more for using the right shampoo for your pet so all of these are included in the base price.
We know that one of the major causes for ear infections in cats is getting water in their ears. This is why all our bathers and groomers take extreme care to ensure that we keep your pet’s ears dry. We gently pack his/her ears with 100% cotton which is super absorbent and a great barrier to moisture (and it doesn’t hurt any that it helps to keep things quieter for them).
De-matting: Cats are extremely sensitive and have a very low tolerance for being de-matted so we really try to avoid doing this. When a cat is extremely matted it may be better to give them a cute haircut. However, if that is not an option, we will consult with you regarding what can be done when you bring him/her in. Our priority is to ensure your cat’s comfort and safety. If we do de-matt your cat, we do charge an additional fee as this is a time consuming process that needs to be done with great care.
Time Needed:
1-3 hours depending on the cat. We don’t want to keep your pet away from you any longer than possible, so we prefer to bathe by appointment. That way we can start right when your pet gets here and we call you as soon as your pet is done. However, we are often able to accommodate last minute requests for bathing so feel free to call if you just can’t stand the smell of your favorite feline or are having issues with fleas. We will do our best to fit him/her in.
Nail Clipping
Some cats just don’t sit still for you to clip their nails cut, but there comes a time where they are too long which is hazardous for the pet, your rugs and furniture. It’s not pleasant for you or your cat when his/her claws get caught in your clothes, screens or carpets. We cut pets’ nails all day, every day so we know how to make this process simple, easy and painless for both your pet and you.
Time Needed:
5 minutes, you can even watch if you want. An appointment is not necessary but we do request a quick heads up/phone call before you come in.
Ear Cleaning
Yes, your cat’s ears get dirty and not every owner is comfortable cleaning them out. It can also be painful for the cat if done incorrectly. Whether your pet produces too much wax or has been busy playing master of the outdoor castle, we are happy to make sure the ears are clean and healthy.
Time Needed:
5 minutes, you may not want to watch, some people find it kind of yucky. An appointment is not necessary but we do request a quick heads up that you are coming in first.
Teeth Brushing & Cleaning
We take this one seriously. Teeth problems can cause major health issues for your cat from gum disease to heart disease and infection.
Teeth Brushing
Just like you need to brush your teeth every day, it is important to brush you cat’s teeth regularly. In addition to your cleaning your pet’s teeth at home, your groomer at the Ark can give them a good brushing.
Benefits of having your groomer clean them includes controlling tarter, as well as having us check your cat’s teeth and gums for any visible irregularities or signs of possible issues. This is available as an additional service during grooming or as a stand-alone service.
Teeth Cleaning
Just like your teeth need a cleaning from the dentist every 6 months; it is extremely important you get your cat’s teeth professionally deep cleaned on a regular basis. Depending on your cat’s tolerance and diet, we recommend every 6-12 months for preventative care, with soft food eaters more likely to need 6 month cleanings. At the Ark, we want to make this service convenient for you, so we bring in someone with specialized training the second Wednesday of every month. Our expert, Rhonda, has a true gift for working with cats and does an anesthesia-free cleaning in a soothing and painless way. Here is a link to our hygienist’s site
www.gentledental.com (need to confirm address).
Time Needed:
45 minutes, by appointment only.